Oh My God Not Again!!!! Everyday there are things and jobs pending despite working in fourth gear at a speed of 1000 Miles Per Hour. Even the world class companiesContinue readingWorking Late After Office Hours
Two days ago the Electricity of my Apartment went off at 142 am midnight. I went down to look for an electrician and then we got into a meter roomContinue readingBitten by Mouse
A week ago while I was coming back from my office I saw this incident live. Either the driver pressed Hydraulic Lift Button by mistake while on move or itContinue readingSafe Driving Practices
I do not know if its biologically okay to use some sort of Injection to force the buffaloes to milk more. That is the reason I am writing little thatContinue readingForced Milking Hazards
I am astonished and perplexed after having served for almost one decade in safety? On the Thought many enterprenuers and CFOs have set their paradigms???? “we do not need professionalContinue readingFire Fighting needs Continuous Training
had few friends working for Bin Laden Group in Saudia Arabia. I keep asking them about how safety is being managed there. This is indirect learning through the experiencesContinue readingNo Response Can be Fatal
I know lot of entrepreneurs’, businessmen and financial managers would hate me for this but to be honest I need to initiate this discussion. Lean Management which means less peopleContinue readingIs Lean Management Healthy Enough?