Back in 1996 after my passing out from Military Academy, I had to once travel by public transport to spend a week end with my parents from my duty station. PatriotismContinue readingThe Way We Teach
Most Entrepreneur’s and CEOs would hate me if I say everyone can not fight fire? Specially in the developing world, most finance managers expect a few professional fire fighters inContinue readingCan Anyone Be Fire Fighter
Oh My God Not Again!!!! Everyday there are things and jobs pending despite working in fourth gear at a speed of 1000 Miles Per Hour. Even the world class companiesContinue readingWorking Late After Office Hours
I started off, at the age of 15 or may be 15 and a half when I left my parents and entered into military academy. Four years of training……..Hush! whatContinue readingQuality not Quantity
Having worked for a decade in HSEQ Function I came across number of youngsters and enthusiastic Teachers who thought they could teach safety. Now its turning to be a nightmare.Continue readingSafety Trainers Need To Practice First
I was working for this organization few years back. The Plant Manager was always conscious of auditors and audits. He kept is team on toes. It helped in good preparation.Continue readingAuditee Must Communicate