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The Right Safety Standard

Having worked for almost a decade in the field of safety I am very clear that most of us are very confused.

Safety parameters and their practical implementation on ground are two very intricate functions.

There are many ifs and buts ultimately adding to the flare.

OSHA was formed in 1971 by Richard Nixon, The President of United States of America through an act of US Parliament and it has generated volumes of safety legislations and rules. Many of them still under test and trial.

Europeans’ wanted to set their own Parameters and Standards so they established EU-OSHA.

United Kingdom operates through HSE.

DuPont also created its own space as an Internationally accredited body for safety standards.

With these few as leading mentors on safety across world many other smaller entities also play their part.

The Impact of this diversity is confusing the developing nations.

They are confused as to follow what?

Those aspiring to sell cloth to US would try to get alignments from OSHA.

Those interested in interacting more with Euorpe preferred Euorpean Standards and accreditations.

And there are still many who think all these standards are too complicated to be implemented so they love following their own standards largely driven by intuition, limitations and dictates.

Having realized the problem many of us tried solving it through some tailor made systems, standard operating procedures but even tailoring needs professional expertize.

Cut, Copy & Paste affected many tailors and they generated stsnadrd operating procedures which were even more complicated than those actually inherited.

This was a quizzical situation and it continues to exist in most of the third world industries.

The Result is wondering safety culture and erratic performance of safety management systems.

In order to contribute to this problem, I strongly perceive that we the safety patriots must organize ourselves and initiate to write on Fundamentals of HSEQ which would give basic guidelines to craft a wholesome system and culture of HSEQ Management across organizations specially in 3rd world or developing countries.

The Knowledge is so much. These days the art of making things simple is the most needed skill.

Comments are welcomed at Zahid.faqir@linkedin.com

Zahid Faqir, DGM HSEQ in 560 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant in Karachi, Pakistan

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